Following are links to articles and media attention
by or about Janet Rowles, Mediation Unlimited,
and The Tell Me More Gesture: How & Why to Welcome Conflict.
The Mary Hanson Show, First aired July 16, 2018. Airs many times on Metro Cable Network channel 6 and TPT channel 2.
30-minute interview about mediation and my new book, The Tell Me More Gesture.
MPR News with Tom Weber, October 28, 2016: Walking while black.
“When Janet Rowles filmed an African-American man getting stopped by an Edina police officer for walking in the street, she was unaware the impact of social media. The video not only went viral, but it also put pressure on Edina police to dismiss charges. MPR News reporter Marianne Combs spoke to Rowles about her video that sparked outrage and what it was like to witness a police arrest. Michael Quinn, a former sergeant from the Minneapolis Police Department, joined the conversation.”
Video of Black Minnesota Man’s Humiliating Arrest for Walking in the Street Surfaces,, October 18, 2016.
Janet was the videographer and voice behind the viral video of the African-American pedestrian being arrested by the Edina, Minnesota police. Matthew Rodriguez,, did a thoughtful article, including the mediator perspective that Janet brings.
Stop Labeling People Difficult People and HCPs, Janet W. Rowles,, March 18, 2016.
How to Repair Your Relationship with this Therapy Alternative,, Sept. 29, 2015.