Minneapolis Mediation Services

Minneapolis mediation services

Comprehensive Mediation Services

  • Divorce Mediation. To help couples navigate the contentious steps of separation and divorce, my marriage mediation services provide an alternative to working with a lawyer.
  • Post-divorce Mediation. Sometimes divorce agreements can be impacted by a change in circumstances. I can help you work through post-decree issues without getting the courts involved.
  • Custody Mediation. Divorced parent mediation help ensure that both spouses can work together to decide on custody issues that are in their children’s best interests.
  • Family Mediation. While divorce is often one of the most common reasons for family mediation, families often need help resolving other conflicts including matters related to parent-child conflicts, elder care, family finances, inheritances, family business disputes, and other familial matters.
  • Group Mediation. My small- and large-group work includes circle-keeping and facilitating group discussions such as in condo associations and in non-profit board decision-making.

Mediator Janet W. Collins

I am a Minneapolis mediator specializing in high-conflict and emotionally-difficult situations. In addition to facilitating divorce, custody, post-divorce, and other types of family mediation, I handle conflict resolution for nonprofit businesses and groups.

I have a Certificate in Dispute Resolution from Hamline School of Law Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute. I’m trained in transformative mediation, eldercare mediation, circle-keeping, and the social inclusion method for bullying in schools. I’ve provided volunteer mediation services to the Conflict Resolution Center in Minneapolis since 2003 and was a board member there from 2004-2011.  In 2013 I received a Peacemaker of the Year Award from the Minneapolis Public Schools. My book, The Tell Me More Gesture: How & Why to Welcome Conflict, was published in 2018.


Janet W. Collins, M.A.

(a.ka. Janet Rowles)
Mediator / Educator / Author

All rights reserved © Janet W. Collins